Phuong's Personal Fitness Program

Feeling Good And Looking Good

Guiding Questions

Why is physical fitness a personal matter?

*    Because people want to look good and feel good .

How do some people neglect their health by choosing not to participate in physical activity?

*    Some people neglect their health by choosing not to participate in physical activity because of the fear of having a lack of athletic ability, Eat unhealthy foods and not exercise or physical activity.

What are the primary health risk factors, and which ones maybe controlled?

*    The primary health risk factors are : 
    -    inactivity
    -    obesity
    -    high blood pressure
    -    high level cholesterol
    -    smoking.
*    The only primary health risk factors that may be controlled are: 
    -    inactivity
    -    obesity
    -    high blood pressure
    -    high level cholesterol
    -    and smoking.

What benefits are gained by exercising?

    -    Improved appearance
    -    improved body image
    -    enjoy life
    -    improved health
    -    improved physical performance
    -    increased energy level
    -    and increased muscular strength and endurance.

What is the relationship between  wellness and personal fitness?

*    You are reach your fitness goals when you are well and physically fit you're in a good condition of health.

What is a personal fitness program(PFP)?

*    The personal fitness program is created to personally help people improve their lifestyle by select activities that help them reach their fitness goal.