Phuong's Personal Fitness Program

Step 1- Desire

i want to improve my strength.

Step 2- Belief

I can do it !

Step 3- Analyzed where you are

I can lift 25 lbs by one hand .

Step 4- Set realistic goal

i will lift 30 lbs  in the next 3 month, and i'll lift 40 lbs in the next 2 years.

Step 5- Write your goals in detail

i will lift 5 set of 10, Pushup 5 set of 10 each day

Step 6- List the benefits you will recived

i will be strong and have a good health to live a good and happy life.    

Step 7- Identify Obstacles

i have to work after school and i being lazy sometime. >.<

Step 8- Identify knowledge you will need

Workout to Improving your  muscules strength, and improve your health also.

Step 9- Make a plan of action

I will start from April until April next year. Ill lift weight each day and increase the weight in every 2 months by 5 lbs.

Step 10- Develope a timeline

ill lift 5 set of 10 and pushup 5set of 10 in the first 2 months, and ill increase 1 set of each every 2 months.

Step 11- Monitor your progress

i will write down wat i need to do and what i have done and what is missing to analyze there am i and fix it.

Step 12- Never give up

I never give up until i got what i want.